5 Ways Benify’s AI Assistant Can Transform the Employee Support Experience

Last updated: 2024-08-025 min read time
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Over the past few years, recent developments in AI have offered organisations the chance to enhance both operational efficiency and employee satisfaction. For instance, a recent study found that 67% of employers who have implemented AI among their HR teams have reduced cost and extra resource savings.

"AI is a very exciting element in the world of HR, revolutionising HR through improved data analysis and efficiency," says Roy Norman, Senior Key Account Manager at Benify. Now, more than ever, it’s important to equip your team with the tools they need to streamline processes and better connect with your company as a whole.    

Introducing Beni: Benify’s generative AI assistant designed to revolutionise how organisations support their employees.

AI assistant in smartphone

What is Beni AI?

Beni was built based on the same goals as the Benify platform: to provide a comprehensive, accessible benefits and rewards experience. By seamlessly integrating with a company’s own support content, Beni provides personalised, real-time responses to employee questions. Beni’s assistance is designed to not only boost operational efficiency and the overall employee experience but also empower HR teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Let’s dive deeper into the ways that Beni can help organisations support employees and streamline HR processes.

1. A More Personalised Support Experience, Available Anytime

In today’s competitive corporate environment, providing a personalised, reliable employee experience is more crucial than ever. For instance, recent research has found that 73% of employees want a more tailored benefits experience. Beni is able to deliver customised, 24/7 support by learning from employees' unique ways of working and harnessing the power of organisational data.

Whether it’s guiding employees through enrollment procedures or answering questions about retirement plans, Beni ensures that every interaction is informative and tailored to individual needs. And Beni is available anytime, anywhere in multiple languages, ensuring that employees always have the support they need.

2. Seamless Integration with a Company's knowledge Base

76% of HR leaders view the adoption of AI as necessary to stay competitive in the coming years. Thankfully, Beni is future-proofed and able to adapt to whatever changes may arise. Beni can continuously improve its responses based on interactions with employees and changes to an organisation’s own support content.

This integration ensures that employees receive accurate and up-to-date information, fostering a culture of transparency and reliability within a workforce.

3. Blend AI Insights with Human Support

AI tools can increase productivity by up to 30%, providing the opportunity to reshape HR workflows, boost efficiency, streamline unnecessary admin work, and create more personalised experiences. While Beni excels in handling routine inquiries, in certain situations a human touch can be vital.

That’s why Benify’s Global Support Center is always just a call or chat away. Staffed with knowledgeable representatives familiar with every company’s unique policies, our support team provides comprehensive assistance for more complex issues, ensuring consistent support whenever employees need it most.

4. Ensure HR Efficiency and Security

43% of HR professionals are already using AI to streamline internal processes. Beni alleviates the burden of routine HR tasks and requests by securely handling routine inquiries efficiently, allowing HR professionals to concentrate on strategic initiatives that drive organisational growth.

Beni not only improves response times and makes HR operations more effective, but it also safeguards sensitive information and upholds an organisation’s data privacy standards. By maintaining stringent protocols, Beni ensures that employees receive people-centric support without compromising confidentiality.

5. Enhancing Global Connectivity and Inclusivity

79% of companies that used AI to improve efficiency and decision-making also saw positive changes in their company culture. In today’s interconnected world, diversity and inclusivity are fundamental values for any organisation. Beni supports these principles by offering multilingual support, enabling employees worldwide to access assistance in their preferred language. Whether they’re in London or São Paulo, Beni ensures that language barriers never hinder employee engagement or satisfaction.

Woman Embrace AI Employee Support?

Ready to Embrace the Future of Employee Support?

Beni is here to empower your organisation with seamless, personalised support that enhances productivity and drives employee satisfaction.

Book a demo today and learn how Beni can transform your employee support journey. Join us in creating a future where every employee feels valued and supported, anytime, anywhere — because at Benify, we believe that people matter.