Webinar Recap: How IKEA Uses Employee Data to Drive Success

Last updated: 2024-09-064 min read time
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In our recent webinar, Emil Danielsson, Product Owner at IKEA, discussed how IKEA has used Benify’s People Insights module, to harness data and make more informed, impactful decisions.


Here is a recap of that discussion between Emil and Benify’s Chief Commercial Officer, Baman Motivala, as they revealed the key strategies and technologies IKEA uses to enhance employee benefits, maximize ROI, and foster a more productive work environment.

What is People Insights?

Benify’s People Insights module is a tool that gathers and visualizes employee data, creating a comprehensive overview that helps leaders track HR trends and understand what employees need. Companies can use People Insights to improve their benefits offerings, boost employee engagement, and support data-driven strategies.


IKEA’s Global Rollout

Starting two years ago, IKEA aimed to transition from multiple local solutions to a unified global platform. When asked to describe the motivating factors for adopting Benify’s global solution, Emil Danielsson responded: “It was mostly about administration, and, of course, supporting the whole organization. We couldn't do  that previously. We wanted to have one solution.”

The process began with introducing the People Insights module across its global workforce. The implementation process involved a series of waves, with each wave focusing on a set of countries. Currently, IKEA is in Wave 4, with 25 countries already live on the platform and over 100,000 employees actively using it.

 4 Key Learnings

  1. Operational Efficiency:
    IKEA’s transition to a global platform has significantly reduced administrative overhead and streamlined the management of benefits across various regions. This centralization has also enabled the global engineering team to provide better support to all employees.

  2. High Engagement Rates:
    One of the standout success stories shared was Slovenia’s impressive 91% login rate shortly after launch. This high engagement was attributed to strategic timing with other major enrollment activities, demonstrating the importance of aligning platform rollouts with key organizational events.

  3. Strategic Insights:
    People Insights has allowed IKEA to monitor and analyze login rates, benefit uptake, and workforce communication. For instance, identifying lower engagement in Japan prompted a deeper investigation into regional communication strategies and store-level dynamics. This data-driven approach has helped IKEA tailor its strategies to enhance employee engagement.

  4. Continuous Improvement:
    IKEA is not only using People Insights for current operations but also planning future enhancements, such as launching a mobile app to increase accessibility and engagement. The goal is to make the platform more robust and user-friendly, further driving employee satisfaction and productivity.

Live Demonstration Highlights 

Baman Motivala conducted a live demonstration of the People Insights module, showcasing its capabilities in real-time. The demo highlighted:

User Engagement Tracking: Insights into who is logging in, from which devices, and their interaction patterns.

Benefit Enrollment Analysis: Detailed views of benefit enrollments by category, country, and demographic, enabling precise adjustments to the benefit offerings.

Communication Effectiveness: Metrics on open rates, click rates, and enrollments resulting from targeted communications, helping refine engagement strategies.

Strategic Decision Making: Tools to assess the total reward, including compliance with new regulations such as the EU directive on pay transparency and equity.



By leveraging detailed data analytics, companies can enhance their benefit programmes, drive higher employee engagement, and make strategic decisions that align with their organisational goals.

Watch the full webinar and discover how People Insights can help you turn your existing data into meaningful insights and make more informed decisions for your organisation.