Improve Employee Communication Through Personalisation

Last updated: 2024-05-175 min read time
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  • Every day, we are overloaded with information

  • 320 billion daily emails will be sent next year

  • Personalisation and relevancy help sort through the noise

  • Target communications and reach employees via preferred channels

  • Embrace mobile – communicate on the device that’s always with us

According to research, every day we’re presented with approximately 100,500 words or the equivalent to 23 words per second from email, the internet, television and other media.

Now, let’s turn our attention to the workplace and specifically internal communication. According to one source, approximately 269 billion emails were sent and received every day during 2017, and that figure is expected to grow to almost 320 billion daily emails per day next year. Another source shares that between 2014 and 2018, the average office worker received about 90 emails a day and sent around 40 business emails daily.

How can our brains possibly process all this information?

Created Just for You

To answer the above question, think about what happens whenever you stream a video or song through one of the many streaming services. Not only can you listen or watch whatever you like, whenever you like, and on any device, but you’re immediately given personalised recommendations based on your online behavior, history and preferences.

These algorithms used to curate content for you means that every time you use the app, you’re shown content that is relevant to you. In fact, this applies to almost everything online. As one Forbes article writes, “Google, Instagram or Amazon are perfect examples of how ads, ideas and interests are directed to us through “behavioral targeting”, that is, by using our profiles to push stuff to our screens, a process that is also referred to as personalisation”.

In today’s digital world, personalisation is the only way we can cipher through the sheer volume of information “out there” and see what is relevant to us.


Thanks to the personalised experiences of streaming services and e-commerce sites, employers are having to rethink the way they communicate with employees.

Put simply, the more personalised the employee communication is, the more effective it is. Yet, even with this knowledge, many companies today still lack effective communication tools and methods. An Ark Group survey among CEOs showed that almost 95 percent of those surveyed said ‘effective internal communication’ as critical. However, only 22 percent thought that effective internal communication was being delivered.

Today, we see baby-boomers, Generation X, millennials and Generation Z all sharing the workplace. But it’s through the recent introduction of Gen Z that a “one-size-fits-all” approach for communication no longer cuts it.

employee communication personalisation

Yes, There’s an App for That

Did you know that 82% of employees keep their phones within eye contact while at work? This gives employers a huge advantage; employees are frequently checking their phones and can immediately see when they receive a new notification or message. Employers, fear not – according to research, 60% of the apps employees use at work are, in fact, work-related.

We’ve all heard the expressions, “There’s an app for everything” or “There’s an app for that”. Yet 59% of employees say organisations are too slow incorporating apps into their business.

Today,  leading organisations use an employee platform or benefits platform that enables their employees to access personalised messages and information about their employment, including pay slips and employee benefits. By opting for an employee benefits platform provider that has its own app, employers can reach their employees on the device that’s always with them. This allows employers to send push notifications or messages inside the platform to reach and engage their workforce anywhere, anytime whether they're commuting, in between meetings or sitting on the sofa.

Ready, Aim, Fire

By using your benefit platform's integrated communication engine, you can create targeted messages, adapted and tailored to specific audiences. Tailoring and targeted your messages are key when it comes to personalisation.

To make your communications personalised yet still appealing to everyone, first, think about the message you want to communicate. Next, use the filters in your communication engine to send messages to specific departments, age groups, countries or even individuals enrolled (or not yet enrolled) in a specific benefit. Then, select which channels you wish to use.

While the content of the message itself is important, knowing what communication channel(s) each generation prefers is also crucial when it comes to personalisation. With Generation Z entering the job market at a rapid rate, companies should make use of platforms such as Slack, Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and Snapchat.

Download our new whitepaper An Employer’s Guide to Effective Communication, and discover the best ways to communicate with your employees.