All things HR - Blog


Why Your Organisation Should Take Information and Cyber Security seriously

In a digital age with increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals, it is more important than ever to ensure that providers...
5 min read time

4 Tech-Driven Strategies for Global Benefits Alignment

In an era marked by global challenges, multinational organisations are looking for new ways to align their reward and be...
5 min read time

The Future of Insurance: Key Learnings from Industry Leaders

This blog is guest-authored by Brendan Kelley, Head of Provider Sales at Benify The insurance industry is undergoing sig...
5 min read time
Employee Benefits Total Reward Flexible Benefits

Equal Pay Beyond the Paycheck: Getting the Full Picture

This blog is guest-authored by Anita Lettink, Founder of HRTechRadar. Anita has worked with the largest global organizat...
9 min read time
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3 Ways Data Can Improve Employee Wellbeing

As more companies recognise the importance of investing in employee happiness, satisfaction and wellbeing, data has beco...
6 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Benefits Employee Experience

The Five Benefits That Gen Z Want in the Workplace

Gen Z will comprise a third of the workforce within the next few years. So what benefits must companies adopt in order t...
7 min read time
Employee Benefits Total Reward Flexible Benefits

Equal Pay Beyond the Paycheck: Unpacking Total Rewards

This blog is guest authored by Anita Lettink, Founder of HRTechRadar. Anita has worked with the largest global organisat...
8 min read time
Digitalisation Employee Experience

Combining Mobility and Benefits: Key Considerations and Opportunities

This blog is guest authored by Tom Saunders, Business Development Manager, International. Global mobility is on the rise...
12 min read time