Flexible Benefits

Flexible Benefits Articles

Employee Benefits Total Reward Flexible Benefits

Equal Pay Beyond the Paycheck: Getting the Full Picture

This blog is guest-authored by Anita Lettink, Founder of HRTechRadar. Anita has worked with the largest global organizat...
9 min read time
Employee Benefits Total Reward Flexible Benefits

Equal Pay Beyond the Paycheck: Unpacking Total Rewards

This blog is guest authored by Anita Lettink, Founder of HRTechRadar. Anita has worked with the largest global organisat...
8 min read time
Employee Experience Flexible Benefits

How does HR technology improve family well-being?

There have been many stresses and strains on family situations over the last few years, and none have been more acute th...
4 min read time
Employee Experience Total Reward Flexible Benefits

How the cost of living crisis is impacting employees’ retirement plans and what can be done about it.

Inflation and the cost of living crisis has hit everyone hard. Generation Z and Millennials might feel as if getting a m...
5 min read time
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Employee Benefits Employee Experience Flexible Benefits

Five top tips - Use bonuses and incentives during economic pressure

Inflation is hitting all-time highs in countries across the world and forecasts say the figure will peak in October. Thi...
6 min read time
Employee Benefits Employee Communication Flexible Benefits

How do global businesses prepare for changing conditions when considering their benefits?

It’s been a testing time for the 213 million global businesses what with the pandemic, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the...
5 min read time
Employee Communication Employee Experience Flexible Benefits

How are companies using technology and data to determine the best benefits?

Many companies are using HR tech to streamline their business processes, everything from admin to onboarding to internal...
5 min read time
Employee Communication Employee Experience Flexible Benefits

Controlling HR benefit costs and how to achieve it

Work benefits can cost an employer a significant amount of money, especially if they are unclaimed by employees. Knowing...
4 min read time